Read the latest articles and stories about how PreOperative Performance is setting a quality standard for neurological imaging.
12-month co-development partnership will evaluate technology to help radiology groups make better quality measurements of MRI machines...
Medical device company focused on MR scan accuracy will now be headquartered at MaRS Discovery District’s 101 College Street location TORONTO (February 7, 2023)...
With quality control and data harmonization tools leading the charge Leading a startup grounded in a technical subject demands a certain style when describing our work to the subject matter to lay audiences...
PreOperative Performance is attending the ISMRM Diffusion MRI Workshop Next week, we’re heading to Amsterdam next week to attend the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine’s (ISMRM) workshop on Diffusion MRI: From Research to Clinic...
PreOperative Performance started with an idea: What if every patient and clinician entered treatment knowing with certainty that they’re working from the best-possible MR data? Wait a second, you might say. Isn’t that already the case? Well, yes and no...